Item Master


messageType: logistics.items

Create items in logistics management system.

Filename format: <location>_<operative>_IM_<YYYYMMDD>_<uniqueId>.<extensions>

Sample files


messageHeaderMessageHeaderMMessage header information
itemsArray[Item]MItem objects


"...": {
		"warehouse": {...},
		"itemCode": "ART-8456",
		"itemDescription1": "Article name",
		"itemDescription2": "Some more",
		"itemDescription3": "",
		"itemDescription4": "",
		"clearingUnit": "156446",
		"itemFamily": "A",
		"itemGroup": "B",
		"itemSubGroup": "C",
		"originCountryCode": "AT",
		"itemConfiguration": {....},
		"packagingUnits": [{....}],
		"dangerousGoods": {....}
warehouseWarehouseMWarehouse information.
itemCodeString20MItem code of customer, used as reference for receipt/dispatch; no leading spaces
itemDescription1String35MItem description, name
itemDescription2String35OItem description, additional text
itemDescription3String35OItem description, additional text
itemDescription4String35OItem description, additional text
clearingUnitString15OHS-code for customs clearance
itemFamilyString3OAdditional item attribute, can be used as an additional dimension for grouping and filtering reports data
itemGroupString3OAdditional item attribute, can be used as an additional dimension for grouping and filtering reports data
itemSubGroupString3OAdditional item attribute, can be used as an additional dimension for grouping and filtering reports data
originCountryCodeString2OCountry code of item origin
itemConfigurationItemConfigurationOOptional configuration for general item handling
foreignLangDescriptionsArray[foreignLangDescriptions]0 - 10OForeign language descriptions
substituteItemsArray[substituteItems]0 - 1OSubstitute items
symbolicCodesArray[symbolicCodes]0 - 10OSymbolic codes
receiptInstructionreceiptInstructionOReceipt Instruction
packagingUnitsArray[PackagingUnit]1 - 3MPackaging units of the item, level 1 is PCS
dangerousGoodsdangerousGoodsODangerous goods


"...": {
	"receiptDispatchEnabled": true,
	"allocationNumberEnabled": false,
	"batchNumberEnabled": 2,
    "serialNumberEnabled": 4,
	"fifoLifo": "FIFO",
	"fifoDateType": "receipt",
    "overdeliveryReceipt": 0,
    "overdeliveryDispatch": 0,
	"minimalStock": 10,
	"maximalStock": 1000,
	"reorderStock": 50,
	"blockReason": "",
	"wcsItem": true
receiptDispatchEnabledBooleanOIf enabled, receipt/dispatch of item is allowed
allocationNumberEnabledBooleanOIf enabled, the allocation numbers of items need to be recorded/considered on receipt/dispatch
batchNumberEnabledIntegerMIf enabled, the batch numbers of items need to be recorded on dispatch. Valid values are: 0, 1, 2
serialNumberEnabledIntegerOIf enabled, the serial numbers of items need to be recorded on dispatch Valid values are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
0 - no serial number
1 - serial number in stock-out (with picking)
2 - serial number in stock-in and stock-out (with picking)
3 - serial number in stock-out (with packing)
4 - serial number in stock-in and stock-out (with packing)
wcsItemBooleanOWarehouse Control System Item
fifoLifoString4OFIFO or LIFO
fifoDateTypeString15ODistinction on which date the FIFO order depends (expiration/production/receipt)
overdeliveryReceiptIntegerOCurrently not used
overdeliveryDispatchIntegerOEnable over-delivery in Dispatch only during picking without reservation
minimalStockIntegerOMinimal stock quantity
maximalStockIntegerOMaximal stock quantity
reorderStockIntegerOReorder stock quantity
blockReasonString3OBlock Reason, default proposal for items receipt


"...": {
	"countryCode": "str",
	"itemDescription1": "Article name",
	"itemDescription2": "some string",
	"itemDescription3": "some string",
	"itemDescription4": "some string"
countryCodeString3OCountry code of foreign language
itemDescription1String35OItem description in foreign language
itemDescription2String35OItem description in foreign language
itemDescription3String35OItem description in foreign language
itemDescription4String35OItem description in foreign language


"...": {
	"substitute": "string"
substituteString20OSubstitute items


"...": {
	"labelType": "str",
	"symbolicCode": "string"
labelTypeString3OSymbolic code type
symbolicCodeString35OSymbolic code


"...": {
	"receiptInstructionText1": "string",
	"receiptInstructionText2": "string",
	"pickingInstructionText1": "string",
	"pickingInstructionText2": "string",
	"fullPallet": true,
	"splitPallet": true
receiptInstructionText1String60OReceipt instruction
receiptInstructionText2String60OReceipt instruction
pickingInstructionText1String60OPicking instruction
pickingInstructionText2String60OPicking instruction
fullPalletBooleanMStock out full pallet overrules FIFO (true/false)
splitPalletBooleanMStock out split pallet overrules FIFO (true/false)


"...": {
	"dgShippingMode": "str",
    "dgUNNumber": 0,
    "dgClass": "str",
    "dgText1": "string",
    "dgText2": "string",
    "dgText3": "string",
    "dgText4": "string"
dgShippingModeString3OShipping mode of dangerous goods
dgUNNumberIntegerODangerous goods identification (ADR/UN-number)
dgClassString3ODangerous goods classification
dgText1String60ODangerous goods additional text
dgText2String60ODangerous goods additional text
dgText3String60ODangerous goods additional text
dgText4String60ODangerous goods additional text


packagingTypeString3MPackaging type codes: PCS, BOX, PAL. By default PCS is for packagingLevel 1, but further type need to be defined with the operational business contact.
packagingLevelIntegerMPackaging level 1-6 (smallest to largest unit, level 1 is PCS). By default only packaging level 1/3/6 are used and need to be defined with the operational business contact.
piecesIntegerMQuantity of pieces of lowest packaging level within current level
eanCodeString13OEAN-13 code
packagingTypeClientString3OPackaging type codes of client
nextPackagingTypeString3ONext lowest packaging unit
weightBigDecimal10,4OTotal weight of packaging unit (will be converted/stored in kg)
grossWeightBigDecimal10,4OGross weight of packaging unit
netWeightBigDecimal10,4ONet weight of packaging unit
measureOfWeightString3OMeasure of weight. Default is kg, if not otherwise specified (t, kg, g, lbs)
lengthIntegerOLength dimension (will be converted/stored in mm/cm)
widthIntegerOWidth dimension (will be converted/stored in mm/cm)
heightIntegerOHeight dimension (will be converted/stored in mm/cm)
measureOfDimensionString2OMeasure of dimensions. Default is cm, if not otherwise specified (m,cm, mm, ft, in)
turnoverClassString1OOptional classification based on inventory turnover ratio of the item.
stockRestrictionString20OOptional stock restriction for specific item storage (e.g. temperature controlled). Only certain values are allowed. Please align with warehouse before sending.
noSplitAllowedStringMNo split allowed in stock out, on packaging level 2, 3, 4, 5
itemPricesArray[itemPrices]0-10OItem price


"...": {
    "priceCode": "str",
    "priceValidFrom": 0,
    "pricePerUnit": 0,
    "currencyCode": "str"
priceCodeString3OItem price code
priceValidFromIntegerOItem price start of validity period
pricePerUnitNumberOItem price per unit
currencyCodeString3OItem price currency code