CREATE Receipt Avisos
messageType: logistics.receiptAviso
Create receipt avisos in logistics management system.
Filename format: <location>_<operative>_RA_<YYYYMMDD>_<uniqueId>.<extensions>
Sample files
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
messageHeader | MessageHeader | M | Message header information |
receiptAviso | ReceiptAviso | M | Receipt aviso |
"...": {
"warehouse": {...},
"customerReference1": "REF/8345",
"customerReference2": "0015430",
"supplierCode": "9997-SP",
"supplierReference": "SUP44",
"forwarderCode": "56435",
"forwarderReference": "974-456",
"comment": "attention please!",
"goodsInDate": {...},
"positions": [{...}],
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
warehouse | Warehouse | M | Warehouse information | |
customerReference1 | String | 35 | M | customer reference 1 |
customerReference2 | String | 35 | O | customer reference 2 |
supplierCode | String | 13 | M | WMS supplier code (Default: If no value provided, "DIVERSE" will be used.) |
supplierReference | String | 35 | O | Reference of supplier |
forwarderCode | String | 13 | O | WMS forwarder code. Needs to be aligned with operational business contact. |
forwarderReference | String | 35 | O | Reference of forwarder |
comment | String | 180 | O | Comments to the aviso |
goodsInDate | ApiDate | M | Planned entry date of goods into warehouse, time is not used | |
positions | Array[ReceiptAvisoPosition] | M | Receipt aviso positions |
"...": {
"clientPositionNumber": "010",
"quantity": 8,
"itemCode": "ART-8456",
"itemCodeClient": "SUPART-1221",
"batchNumber": "1654863",
"allocationNumber": "44",
"packagingType": "PAL",
"mheReference": "mheReference",
"productionDate": {...},
"bestBeforeDate": {...},
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
clientPositionNumber | String | 5 | M | Position number from customer |
quantity | Integer | 10 | M | Quantity in pieces (packing unit, smallest unit) |
itemCode | String | 20 | M | Item number defined in item master database, no leading spaces |
itemCodeClient | String | 20 | O | Item number provided by client, e.g. supplier item code |
batchNumber | String | 35 | O | Batch number |
allocationNumber | String | 35 | O | Allocation number, if item is reserved for a project for example |
packagingType | String | 3 | O | Packing unit e.g. PAL. Needs to be aligned with the operational business contact. |
mheReference | String | 35 | O | Reference MHE (= Mechanical Handling Equipment), e.g. SSCC-Number |
sscc | String | 18 | O | SSCC-number |
blockReason | String | 3 | O | Reason for block QLT Quality check, GW Locked goods (damage). |
customsStatus | String | 1 | O | Customs status (0 = duty free 1 = custom goods). |
customsReference | String | 35 | O | Customs reference of item |
productionDate | ApiDate | O | Goods production date (if applicable to item), time is not used | |
bestBeforeDate | ApiDate | C | Goods expiration date (if applicable to item), time is not used |