Item Master


messageType: logistics.items

Create items in logistics management system.

Filename format: <location>_<operative>_<YYYYMMDD>_<uniqueId>.<extensions>

Sample files


messageHeaderMessageHeaderMMessage header information
itemsArray[Item]MItem objects


"...": {
		"warehouse": {...},
		"itemCode": "ART-8456",
		"itemDescription1": "Article name",
		"itemDescription2": "Some more",
		"itemDescription3": "",
		"itemDescription4": "",
		"matchCode": "FIND-ME",
		"clearingUnit": "156446",
		"itemFamily": "A",
		"itemGroup": "B",
		"itemSubGroup": "C",
		"originCountryCode": "AT",
		"itemConfiguration": {....},
		"packagingUnits": [{....}]
warehouseWarehouseMWarehouse information.
itemCodeString20MItem code of customer, used as reference for receipt/dispatch; no leading spaces
itemDescription1String35MItem description, name
itemDescription2String35OItem description, additional text
itemDescription3String35OItem description, additional text
itemDescription4String35OItem description, additional text
matchCodeString35OMatchcode, additional search attribute
clearingUnitString15OHS-code for customs clearance
itemFamilyString3OAdditional item attribute, can be used as an additional dimension for grouping and filtering reports data
itemGroupString3OAdditional item attribute, can be used as an additional dimension for grouping and filtering reports data
itemSubGroupString3OAdditional item attribute, can be used as an additional dimension for grouping and filtering reports data
originCountryCodeString2OCountry code of item origin
itemConfigurationItemConfigurationOOptional configuration for general item handling
packagingUnitsArray[PackagingUnit]1 - 6MPackaging units of the item, level 1 is PCS


"...": {
	"receiptDispatchEnabled": true,
	"eWarehouseEnabled": true,
	"allocationNumberEnabled": false,
	"batchNumberReceiptEnabled": false,
	"batchNumberDispatchEnabled": false,
	"serialNumberDispatchEnabled": false,
	"fifoLifo": "FIFO",
	"fifoDateType": "receipt",
	"minimalStock": 10,
	"maximalStock": 1000,
	"reorderStock": 50,
	"blockReason": ""
receiptDispatchEnabledBooleanOIf enabled, receipt/dispatch of item is allowed
eWarehouseEnabledBooleanOIf enabled, item will be shown in eWarehouse
allocationNumberEnabledBooleanOIf enabled, the allocation numbers of items need to be recorded/considered on receipt/dispatch
batchNumberReceiptEnabledBooleanMIf enabled, the batch numbers of items need to be recorded on receipt
batchNumberDispatchEnabledBooleanMIf enabled, the batch numbers of items need to be recorded on dispatch. Is only effective, if "batchNumberReceiptEnabled" is also enabled.
serialNumberDispatchEnabledBooleanOIf enabled, the serial numbers of items need to be recorded on dispatch.
fifoLifoString4OFIFO or LIFO
fifoDateTypeString15ODistinction on which date the FIFO order depends (expiration/production/receipt)
minimalStockIntegerOMinimal stock quantity
maximalStockIntegerOMaximal stock quantity
reorderStockIntegerOReorder stock quantity
blockReasonString3OBlock Reason, default proposal for items receipt