CREATE Dispatch Orders
messageType: logistics.dispatchOrder
Creates a dispatch order in our warehouse system.
Filename format: <location>_<operative>_DO_<YYYYMMDD>_<uniqueId>.<extensions>
Sample files
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
messageHeader | MessageHeader | M | Message header information |
dispatchOrder | DispatchOrder | M | Dispatch order |
"...": {
"warehouse": {...},
"customerReference1": "string",
"customerReference2": "string",
"orderReference": "string",
"user": "string",
"transactionType": "str",
"shippingMode": "str",
"serviceClass": "str",
"deliveryTerm": {...},
"priority": 999,
"checkAtDelivery": true,
"saturdayDelivery": true,
"pickupLocationId": "string",
"codValue": 0,
"codCurrencyCode": "str",
"insurance": {...},
"customsParameters": {...},
"addressValidationRequired": true,
"orderDate": {...},
"deliveryDate": {...},
"receiver": {...},
"forwarder": {...},
"sender": {...},
"positions": [{...}],
"texts": [{...}],
"additionalNotes": {...},
"dispatchOptions": "string",
"paymentOptions": {...},
"oPOD": true
Property | Length | Type | Mandatory | Description |
warehouse | Warehouse | M | Warehouse information | |
customerReference1 | 35 | String | M | Reference, all lines with the same reference are one dispatch order |
customerReference2 | 35 | String | O | Reference from customer |
orderReference | 35 | String | O | Customer’s client order reference, if needed |
transactionType | 3 | String | O | Purpose of the order order (e.g. normal goods dispatch, production order). To be aligned with warehouse.If no value provided, "AUS" will be used as default. |
shippingMode | 3 | String | O | Shipping mode for parcel orders. Has to be aligned with respective warehouse. |
serviceClass | 3 | String | M | Service code for parcel orders. Has to be aligned with respective warehouse. |
deliveryTerm | 3 | DeliveryTerm | M | Delivery Terms |
priority | 3 | Number | O | Priority code for dispatch orders. Has to be aligned with respective warehouse. Has to match with values defined in WMS! |
checkAtDelivery | Boolean | O | Flag indicating that parcel needs to be opened by consignee. (true/false) | |
saturdayDelivery | Boolean | O | Flag indicating that parcel can be delivered on saturday. (true/false) | |
pickupLocationId | 7 | String | O | Id of pickup point location (e.g. parcel locker, pickup point, drop-off location). |
codValue | Number | O | Cash on delivery value | |
codCurrencyCode | 3 | String | O | Cash on delivery currency code. ISO 4217 three letter currency code. |
insurance | Insurance | O | Insurance details. | |
customsParameters | CustomsParameters | O | Currently supported for cross border process from US to Canada with provider Pitney Bowes. | |
addressValidationRequired | Boolean | O | Indicating that address must be validated by Google Address. (true/false) | |
orderDate | OrderDate | O | Date of order placement | |
deliveryDate | DeliveryDate | O | Date of desired delivery | |
receiver | LogisticsParty | M | Receiver of dispatched goods | |
forwarder | LogisticsParty | O | Forwarder code defined in forwarder master database. Align with the warehouse. | |
sender | LogisticsParty | O | Shipper of the goods. | |
positions | Array[DispatchOrderPosition] | M | Positions of dispatch orders | |
texts | Array[Texts] | O | IMPORTANT : maximum number of text positions is 4. ([4x80 chars] ) | |
additionalNotes | AdditionalNotes | O | ||
dispatchOptions | dispatchOptions | O | Dispatch Options, f.e. refund | |
paymentOptions | paymentOptions | O | Payment Options | |
oPOD | Boolean | O | Proof of dispatch order, a confirmation of dispatch order receipt. (true/false) |
"...": {
" customsParameters": {
"paperlessTrade": "Boolean",
"invoiceNumber": "String",
"invoiceDate": "String (YYYY-MM-DD)",
"incoterm": "String",
"declaredValue": "Number",
"declaredCurrencyCode": "String",
"customsLineItems": [{...}]
Property | Length | Type | Mandatory | Description |
paperlessTrade | Boolean | O | TRUE, if no physical document is required to be printed (and attached to package). | |
invoiceNumber | 25 | String | O | Invoice Number for the shipment order. |
invoiceDate | 10 | string | O | Date of the invoice. (YYYY-MM-DD) |
incoterm | 3 | String | O | Incoterm on Shipment Level. |
declaredValue | Number | O | Shipment Declared value | |
declaredCurrencyCode | 3 | String | O | Currency of Declared Value ISO. |
customsLineItems | Array | O | Customs Line Items (Customs Line Item) |
"itemNumber": "String",
"itemName": "String",
"quantity": "Number",
"unit": "String",
"countryOfOriginCode": "String",
"unitPrice": "Number",
"currencyCode": "String",
"netWeight": "Number",
"grossWeight": "Number",
"unitOfWeight": "String",
"length": "Number",
"height": "Number",
"width": "Number",
"unitOfDimension": "String",
"shippingPurpose": "String",
"url": "String",
"hSTariffNumber": "String"
Property | Length | Type | Mandatory | Description |
itemNumber | 20 | String | O | Item number |
itemName | 50 | String | O | Item name |
quantity | 32 | Number | O | Quantity |
unit | 3 | String | O | Unit |
countryOfOriginCode | 2 | String | O | Country of origin code. 2-letter ISO |
unitPrice | Number | O | Value / sales price of the article | |
currencyCode | 3 | String | O | Currency of Unit Price ISO. |
netWeight | Number | O | Net weight of the article | |
grossWeight | Number | O | Gross weight of the article | |
unitOfWeight | 2 | String | O | The unit of measurement. Valid values: kg, lb. |
length | Number | O | Length | |
height | Number | O | Height | |
width | Number | O | Width | |
unitOfDimension | 2 | String | O | The unit of measurement. Valid values: cm, in. |
shippingPurpose | 20 | String | O | Customs Option / purpose of shipping. |
url | 10 | String | O | URL of the commodity. |
hSTariffNumber | 10 | String | O | HS-Tariff number / Commodity Code. |
"positions": [
"clientPositionNumber": "String",
"itemCode": "String",
"itemCodeClient": "String",
"quantity": "Number",
"variableQuantity": "Number",
"sscc": "String",
"allocationNumber": "String",
"batchNumber": "String",
"blockReason": "String",
"customsStatus": "String",
"customsReference": "String",
"additionalNotes": {...}
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
clientPositionNumber | String | 5 | O | Client position number |
itemCode | Object | 20 | M | Item number defined in item master database, no leading spaces. |
itemCodeClient | Object | 35 | O | Item number provided by client, e.g. supplier item code. |
quantity | Integer | 10 | M | Quantity in pieces (packing unit level 1). |
variableQuantity | BigDecimal | 10,4 | O | Variable quantity |
sscc | String | 18 | O | SSCC-number |
allocationNumber | String | 35 | O | Allocation number, if item is reserved for a project for example. |
batchNumber | String | 35 | O | Batch number |
blockReason | String | 3 | O | Reason for block QLT Quality check, GW Locked goods (damage). |
customsStatus | String | 1 | O | Customs status (0 = duty free 1 = custom goods). |
customsReference | String | 35 | O | Customs reference of item |
additionalNotes | PositionAdditionalNotes | O |
"...": {
"notes1": "string",
"notes2": 10,
"notes3": 20,
"notes4": "string",
"notes5": "string"
IMPORTANT : These texts serve as pass-through data, meaning they are not displayed in the WMS GUI. However, they can be utilized in the dispatch confirmation.
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
notes1 | String | 70 | Notes 1 | |
notes2 | Number | Notes 2 | ||
notes3 | Number | Notes 3 | ||
notes4 | String | 70 | Notes 4 | |
notes5 | String | 70 | Notes 5 |
"text":"This will be printed at the beginning of position lines.",
"text":"This will be printed in the HEADER.",
"text":"This will be printed at the end of position lines.",
IMPORTANT : maximum number of text positions is 4. ([4x80 chars]
Property | Length | Type | Mandatory | Description |
textType | 3 | String | M | Allowed values: BGN , END , HEA . Shows the position of the comment on the Delivery Note and / or Picking List. Mandatory for texts that shall be printed out. |
textPositionNumber | 32 | Number | Text position number | |
text | 80 | String | C | text to be showed/printed |
printOption | Number | O | 0 for printing the comment on the delivery note , 1 for printing the comment on the picking list , 2 for printing the comment on both documents, leave blank if the comment should not be printed |
"Additional Notes": {
"notes1": "String",
"notes2": "String",
"notes3": "String",
"notes4": "String",
"notes5": "String",
"notes6": 10,
"notes7": 20
IMPORTANT : These texts serve as pass-through data, meaning they are not displayed in the WMS GUI. However, they can be utilized in the dispatch confirmation.
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
notes1 | String | 35 | Additional Note | |
notes2 | String | 35 | Additional Note | |
notes3 | String | 35 | Additional Note | |
notes4 | String | 35 | Additional Note | |
notes5 | String | 35 | Additional Note | |
notes6 | Number | Additional Note | ||
notes7 | Number | Additional Note |
"dispatchOptions": {
"additionalProp1": "String",
"additionalProp2": "String",
"additionalProp3": "String",
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
additionalProp1 | String | 35 | Additional dispatch order options | |
additionalProp2 | String | 35 | Additional dispatch order options | |
additionalProp3 | String | 35 | Additional dispatch order options |
"paymentOptions": {
"shAccountNumber": "String",
"dtZipCode": "String",
"shCountryCode": "String",
"billDutiesAndTaxesTo": "String",
"dtAccountNumber": "String",
"shZipCode": "String",
"billShipmentTo": "String",
"dtCountryCode": "String"
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
shAccountNumber | String | 35 | Payment options | |
dtZipCode | String | 35 | Payment options | |
shCountryCode | String | 35 | Payment options | |
billDutiesAndTaxesTo | String | 35 | Payment options (SHIPPER, RECEIVER, THIRD_PARTY) | |
dtAccountNumber | String | 35 | Payment options | |
shZipCode | String | 35 | Payment options | |
billShipmentTo | String | 35 | Payment options (SHIPPER, RECEIVER, THIRD_PARTY) | |
dtCountryCode | String | 35 | Payment options |