Receipt Aviso Update

UPDATE Receipt Aviso

messageType: logistics.receiptAvisoUpdate

Update receipt aviso in logistics management system.

Filename format: <location>_<operative>_RA_<YYYYMMDD>_<uniqueId>.<extensions>

Sample files

messageHeaderMessageHeaderMMessage header information
statusstringMstring to identify update
receiptAvisoReceiptAvisoMReceipt aviso


"...": {
	"warehouse": {...},
	"customerReference1": "REF/8345",
	"customerReference2": "0015430",
	"supplierCode": "9997-SP",
	"supplierReference": "SUP44",
	"forwarderCode": "56435",
	"forwarderReference": "974-456",
	"comment": "attention please!",
	"goodsInDate": {...},
	"positions": [{...}],
warehouseWarehouseMWarehouse information
customerReference1String35Mcustomer reference 1
customerReference2String35Ocustomer reference 2
supplierCodeString13OWMS supplier code (Default: if not specified the warehouse/operative is taken)
supplierReferenceString35OReference of supplier
forwarderCodeString13OWMS forwarder code. Needs to be aligned with operational business contact.
forwarderReferenceString35OReference of forwarder
commentString180OComments to the aviso
goodsInDateApiDateMPlanned entry date of goods into warehouse, time is not used
positionsArray[ReceiptAvisoPosition]MReceipt aviso positions


"...": {
		"clientPositionNumber": "010",
		"quantity": 8,
		"itemCode": "ART-8456",
		"itemCodeClient": "SUPART-1221",
		"batchNumber": "1654863",
		"allocationNumber": "44",
		"packagingType": "PAL",
		"mheReference": "mheReference",
		"productionDate": {...},
		"bestBeforeDate": {...},
clientPositionNumberString5OPosition number from customer
quantityInteger10MQuantity in pieces (packing unit, smallest unit)
itemCodeString20MItem number defined in item master database, no leading spaces
itemCodeClientString20OItem number provided by client, e.g. supplier item code
batchNumberString35OBatch number
allocationNumberString35OAllocation number, if item is reserved for a project for example
packagingTypeString3OPacking unit e.g. PAL. Needs to be aligned with the operational business contact.
mheReferenceString35OReference MHE (= Mechanical Handling Equipment), e.g. SSCC-Number
blockReasonString3OReason for block QLT Quality check, GW Locked goods (damage).
customsStatusString1OCustoms status (0 = duty free 1 = custom goods).
customsReferenceString35OCustoms reference of item
productionDateApiDateOGoods production date (if applicable to item), time is not used
bestBeforeDateApiDateCGoods expiration date (if applicable to item), time is not used