Dispatch Confirmation

RECEIVE Dispatch Confirmations

messageType: logistics.dispatchConfirmation

Receive dispatch confirmations from logistics management system.

Filename format: <location>_<operative>_DC_<YYYYMMDD>_<uniqueId>\.<extensions>

Sample files


messageHeaderMessageHeaderMMessage header information
dispatchConfirmationStatusDispatchConfirmationStatusMDefines when exactly in the outbound process the message was created (after picking, packing, loading etc.)
dispatchConfirmationDispatchConfirmationMDispatch confirmation


"...": {
	"statusTypeIdentifier": string
statusTypeIdentifierstringOPCKCF: triggered when packing was confirmed. DPCON: order confirmed, goods ready for sending. WAPAR: sent when a parcel shipment is confirmed. Includes Tracking id.


"...": {
	"warehouse": {...},
	"dispatchOrderId": 34535,
	"customerReference1": "REF/8345",
	"customerReference2": "0015430",
	"orderReference": "ORD-987623",
	"orderDate": {...},
	"receiver": {...},
	"shippingMode": "ABH",
	"deliveryTerm": {...},
	"deliveryNoteNumber": "1538",
	"forwarder": {...},
	"shipmentTrackingId": "",
	"shipmentTrackingUrl": "",
	"positions": [{...}],
	"packages": [{...}],
	"shipments": [{...}],

warehouseWarehouseMInformation about warehouse
dispatchOrderIdIntegerOID generated for warehouse dispatch order
customerReference1String35MReference from customer, taken from the corresponding dispatch order.
customerReference2String35OReference from customer, taken from the corresponding dispatch order.
orderReferenceString35OOrder reference from customer's client, taken from the corresponding dispatch order.
orderDateApiDateODispatch order date
receiverLogisticsPartyMReceiver of dispatch Confirmation
shippingModeString3OValid values: ABH, SPE, PAR ABH=pick-up, SPE=freight forwarder, PAR=parcel service
deliveryTermDeliveryTermMDelivery term and location
deliveryNoteNumberString10ODelivery note number
forwarderLogisticsPartyMForwarder of dispatch confirmation
shipmentTrackingIdStringOshipment tracking id
shipmentTrackingUrlStringOshipment tracking url
positionsArray[DispatchConfirmationPosition]MPositions of dispatch confirmation
packagesArray[DispatchConfirmationPackage]OPackages of goods dispatched. Not always present, depends on business processes.
shipmentsArray[DispatchConfirmationShipment]OShipments of dispatch confirmation. Not always present, depends on business processes.


"...": {
		"positionNumber": "1",
		"clientPositionNumber": "010",
		"deliveryNotePositionNumber": "010",
		"customerPositionReference": "010",
		"quantity": 15,
		"variableQuantity": 4,
		"itemCode": "ART-8456",
		"itemdescription1": "Article name",
		"itemdescription2": "Some more",
		"itemdescription3": "",
		"itemdescription4": "",
		"itemVolume": 2.47,
		"measureOfVolume": "m³",
		"itemWeight": 24.63,
		"measureOfWeight": "kg",
		"eanCode": "5438245978836",
		"sscc": "SSCC-Number",
		"batchNumber": "1654863",
		"allocationNumber": "44",
		"mhe": "MHE",
		"mheReference": "MHE-REF",
		"packagingType": "PAL",
		"customsReference": "8564168146",
		"clearingUnit": "CLU",
		"pricePerItem": 3,
		"totalPrice": 45,
		"currencyCode": "EUR",
		"productionDate": {...},
		"bestBeforeDate": {...},
		"packagingUnits": [{....}],
		"serialNumbers": [

NOTE : Please note that all issued goods are tracked using an SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) number. This may result in the splitting of order positions, which might appear duplicated but are not. This process ensures full traceability of the SSCC, which is critical for maintaining accurate inventory tracking and logistics integrity.

positionNumberString5MPosition number
clientPositionNumberString5OPosition number from client
deliveryNotePositionNumberString5MDelivery note position number
customerPositionReferenceString35OPosition reference from customer
quantityIntegerMQuantity in pieces (packaging unit, smallest unit)
variableQuantityBigDecimal10,4OVariable Quantity (running meter)
itemCodeString20MItem number defined in item master database
itemDescription1String35MItem description 1
itemDescription2String35OItem description 2
itemDescription3String35OItem description 3
itemDescription4String35OItem description 4
itemVolumeBigDecimal10,6OItem volume
measureOfVolumeString3CMandatory, if itemVolume is filled. Currently always "m³".
itemWeightBigDecimal10,4OItem weight
measureOfWeightString3CMandatory, if itemWeight is filled. Currently always "kg".
eanCodeString13OEuropean Article Number
ssccString18OSSCC Number
batchNumberString35OBatch number
allocationNumberString35OAllocation number, if item is reserved for a project for example
packagingTypeString3OPackaging type code of the smallest packaging unit of items.
mheString3OPackaging type code of Mechanical Handling package, if position items are packaged to another package
mheReferenceString35OReference of MHE, e.g. SSCC-Number
customsReferenceString35OCustoms reference
clearingUnitString15OHS-code for customs clearance
pricePerItemBigDecimal15,5OPrice per item
totalPriceBigDecimal15,5OTotal price of position
currencyCodeString3CISO 4217 three letter currency code. Mandatory, if pricePerItem or totalPrice are provided.
productionDateApiDateOGoods production date, if applicable to item.
bestBeforeDateApiDateOGoods expiration date, if applicable to item.
packagingUnitsArray[PackagingUnit]1 - 6MPackaging units of the item, level 1 is PCS
serialNumbersArray[String]Oserial numbers


"...": {
		"packageNumber": 1,
		"quantity": 2,
		"packagingType": "PAL",
		"packageReference": 12345,
		"handlingUnitNumber": "AAAAQZ",
		"length": 120,
		"width": 80,
		"height": 50,
		"measureOfDimension": "cm",
		"volume": 0.48,
		"measureOfVolume": "m³",
		"weight": 44.63,
		"measureOfWeight": "kg",
		"trackingId": "",
		"trackingUrl": "",
		"packageItems": [{...}]
packageNumberIntegerMcontinuous number of package
quantityIntegerMQuantity of packages
packagingTypeString3MPackaging type code of package
packageReferenceString35Opackage reference (for example external SSCC)
handlingUnitNumberString6Munique package iD given by WMS. This iD is also present on physical package label.
lengthIntegerOLength of package
widthIntegerOWidth of package
heightIntegerOHeight of package
measureOfDimensionString3CMandatory, if lengthwidthheight are filled. Currently always "cm".
volumeBigDecimal10,5OVolume of package
measureOfVolumeString3CMandatory, if volume is filled. Currently always "m³".
weightBigDecimal10,2OWeight of package
measureOfWeightString3CMandatory, if itemWeight is filled. Currently always "kg".
trackingIdStringOtracking id *NOTE: *Tracking is set up on request and is not part of the standard out-of-the-box implementation
trackingUrlStringOtracking url *NOTE: *Tracking is set up on request and is not part of the standard out-of-the-box implementation
packageItemsArray[PackageItems]ODetails for items in the package


"...": {
		"itemCode": 1,
		"quantity": 2,
		"packagingType": "STK",
		"deliveryNotePositionNumber": "",
		"serialNumbers": ["123456789", "890123"]
itemCodeString20Mitem Code
quantityIntegerMquantity of item in the package
packagingTypeInteger3Mpackaging Type
deliveryNotePositionNumberString5Mdelivery Note Position Number
serialNumbersArray[String]Oserial numbers


"...": {
		"trackingId": "1Z108551YW96458034",
		"provider": "UPS",
		"trackingURL": "...",
		"parcelShipmentURL": "...",
		"parcels": [{...}]

NOTE : Please note, this feature is not available out of the box. Please align with us.

trackingIdStringOTracking Id of the shipment
providerStringOName of the provider
trackingURLStringOTracking URL
parcelShipmentURLStringOParcel shipment URL
parcelsArray[DispatchConfirmationParcel]OParcels of the shipment


"...": {
		"licensePlate": "1Z108551YW96458034"
licensePlateStringOParcel license plate