RECEIVE Dispatch Confirmations
messageType: logistics.dispatchConfirmation
Receive dispatch confirmations from logistics management system.
Filename format: <location>_<operative>_DC_<YYYYMMDD>_<uniqueId>\.<extensions>
Sample files
- XML or XSD
- JSON or JSON - split items
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
messageHeader | MessageHeader | M | Message header information |
dispatchConfirmationStatus | DispatchConfirmationStatus | M | Defines when exactly in the outbound process the message was created (after picking, packing, loading etc.) |
dispatchConfirmation | DispatchConfirmation | M | Dispatch confirmation |
"...": {
"statusTypeIdentifier": string
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
statusTypeIdentifier | string | O | PCKCF : triggered when packing was confirmed. DPCON : order confirmed, goods ready for sending. WAPAR : sent when a parcel shipment is confirmed. Includes Tracking id. |
"...": {
"warehouse": {...},
"dispatchOrderId": 34535,
"customerReference1": "REF/8345",
"customerReference2": "0015430",
"orderReference": "ORD-987623",
"orderDate": {...},
"receiver": {...},
"shippingMode": "ABH",
"deliveryTerm": {...},
"deliveryNoteNumber": "1538",
"forwarder": {...},
"shipmentTrackingId": "",
"shipmentTrackingUrl": "",
"positions": [{...}],
"packages": [{...}],
"shipments": [{...}],
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
warehouse | Warehouse | M | Information about warehouse | |
dispatchOrderId | Integer | O | ID generated for warehouse dispatch order | |
customerReference1 | String | 35 | M | Reference from customer, taken from the corresponding dispatch order. |
customerReference2 | String | 35 | O | Reference from customer, taken from the corresponding dispatch order. |
orderReference | String | 35 | O | Order reference from customer's client, taken from the corresponding dispatch order. |
orderDate | ApiDate | O | Dispatch order date | |
receiver | LogisticsParty | M | Receiver of dispatch Confirmation | |
shippingMode | String | 3 | O | Valid values: ABH, SPE, PAR ABH=pick-up, SPE=freight forwarder, PAR=parcel service |
deliveryTerm | DeliveryTerm | M | Delivery term and location | |
deliveryNoteNumber | String | 10 | O | Delivery note number |
forwarder | LogisticsParty | M | Forwarder of dispatch confirmation | |
shipmentTrackingId | String | O | shipment tracking id | |
shipmentTrackingUrl | String | O | shipment tracking url | |
positions | Array[DispatchConfirmationPosition] | M | Positions of dispatch confirmation | |
packages | Array[DispatchConfirmationPackage] | O | Packages of goods dispatched. Not always present, depends on business processes. | |
shipments | Array[DispatchConfirmationShipment] | O | Shipments of dispatch confirmation. Not always present, depends on business processes. |
"...": {
"positionNumber": "1",
"clientPositionNumber": "010",
"deliveryNotePositionNumber": "010",
"customerPositionReference": "010",
"quantity": 15,
"variableQuantity": 4,
"itemCode": "ART-8456",
"itemdescription1": "Article name",
"itemdescription2": "Some more",
"itemdescription3": "",
"itemdescription4": "",
"itemVolume": 2.47,
"measureOfVolume": "m³",
"itemWeight": 24.63,
"measureOfWeight": "kg",
"eanCode": "5438245978836",
"sscc": "SSCC-Number",
"batchNumber": "1654863",
"allocationNumber": "44",
"mhe": "MHE",
"mheReference": "MHE-REF",
"packagingType": "PAL",
"customsReference": "8564168146",
"clearingUnit": "CLU",
"pricePerItem": 3,
"totalPrice": 45,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"productionDate": {...},
"bestBeforeDate": {...},
"packagingUnits": [{....}],
"serialNumbers": [
NOTE : Please note that all issued goods are tracked using an SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) number. This may result in the splitting of order positions, which might appear duplicated but are not. This process ensures full traceability of the SSCC, which is critical for maintaining accurate inventory tracking and logistics integrity.
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
positionNumber | String | 5 | M | Position number |
clientPositionNumber | String | 5 | O | Position number from client |
deliveryNotePositionNumber | String | 5 | M | Delivery note position number |
customerPositionReference | String | 35 | O | Position reference from customer |
quantity | Integer | M | Quantity in pieces (packaging unit, smallest unit) | |
variableQuantity | BigDecimal | 10,4 | O | Variable Quantity (running meter) |
itemCode | String | 20 | M | Item number defined in item master database |
itemDescription1 | String | 35 | M | Item description 1 |
itemDescription2 | String | 35 | O | Item description 2 |
itemDescription3 | String | 35 | O | Item description 3 |
itemDescription4 | String | 35 | O | Item description 4 |
itemVolume | BigDecimal | 10,6 | O | Item volume |
measureOfVolume | String | 3 | C | Mandatory, if itemVolume is filled. Currently always "m³". |
itemWeight | BigDecimal | 10,4 | O | Item weight |
measureOfWeight | String | 3 | C | Mandatory, if itemWeight is filled. Currently always "kg". |
eanCode | String | 13 | O | European Article Number |
sscc | String | 18 | O | SSCC Number |
batchNumber | String | 35 | O | Batch number |
allocationNumber | String | 35 | O | Allocation number, if item is reserved for a project for example |
packagingType | String | 3 | O | Packaging type code of the smallest packaging unit of items. |
mhe | String | 3 | O | Packaging type code of Mechanical Handling package, if position items are packaged to another package |
mheReference | String | 35 | O | Reference of MHE, e.g. SSCC-Number |
customsReference | String | 35 | O | Customs reference |
clearingUnit | String | 15 | O | HS-code for customs clearance |
pricePerItem | BigDecimal | 15,5 | O | Price per item |
totalPrice | BigDecimal | 15,5 | O | Total price of position |
currencyCode | String | 3 | C | ISO 4217 three letter currency code. Mandatory, if pricePerItem or totalPrice are provided. |
productionDate | ApiDate | O | Goods production date, if applicable to item. | |
bestBeforeDate | ApiDate | O | Goods expiration date, if applicable to item. | |
packagingUnits | Array[PackagingUnit] | 1 - 6 | M | Packaging units of the item, level 1 is PCS |
serialNumbers | Array[String] | O | serial numbers |
"...": {
"packageNumber": 1,
"quantity": 2,
"packagingType": "PAL",
"packageReference": 12345,
"handlingUnitNumber": "AAAAQZ",
"length": 120,
"width": 80,
"height": 50,
"measureOfDimension": "cm",
"volume": 0.48,
"measureOfVolume": "m³",
"weight": 44.63,
"measureOfWeight": "kg",
"trackingId": "",
"trackingUrl": "",
"packageItems": [{...}]
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
packageNumber | Integer | M | continuous number of package | |
quantity | Integer | M | Quantity of packages | |
packagingType | String | 3 | M | Packaging type code of package |
packageReference | String | 35 | O | package reference (for example external SSCC) |
handlingUnitNumber | String | 6 | M | unique package iD given by WMS. This iD is also present on physical package label. |
length | Integer | O | Length of package | |
width | Integer | O | Width of package | |
height | Integer | O | Height of package | |
measureOfDimension | String | 3 | C | Mandatory, if length width height are filled. Currently always "cm". |
volume | BigDecimal | 10,5 | O | Volume of package |
measureOfVolume | String | 3 | C | Mandatory, if volume is filled. Currently always "m³". |
weight | BigDecimal | 10,2 | O | Weight of package |
measureOfWeight | String | 3 | C | Mandatory, if itemWeight is filled. Currently always "kg". |
trackingId | String | O | tracking id *NOTE: *Tracking is set up on request and is not part of the standard out-of-the-box implementation | |
trackingUrl | String | O | tracking url *NOTE: *Tracking is set up on request and is not part of the standard out-of-the-box implementation | |
packageItems | Array[PackageItems] | O | Details for items in the package |
"...": {
"itemCode": 1,
"quantity": 2,
"packagingType": "STK",
"deliveryNotePositionNumber": "",
"serialNumbers": ["123456789", "890123"]
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
itemCode | String | 20 | M | item Code |
quantity | Integer | M | quantity of item in the package | |
packagingType | Integer | 3 | M | packaging Type |
deliveryNotePositionNumber | String | 5 | M | delivery Note Position Number |
serialNumbers | Array[String] | O | serial numbers |
"...": {
"trackingId": "1Z108551YW96458034",
"provider": "UPS",
"trackingURL": "...",
"parcelShipmentURL": "...",
"parcels": [{...}]
NOTE : Please note, this feature is not available out of the box. Please align with us.
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
trackingId | String | O | Tracking Id of the shipment | |
provider | String | O | Name of the provider | |
trackingURL | String | O | Tracking URL | |
parcelShipmentURL | String | O | Parcel shipment URL | |
parcels | Array[DispatchConfirmationParcel] | O | Parcels of the shipment |
"...": {
"licensePlate": "1Z108551YW96458034"
Property | Type | Length | Mandatory | Description |
licensePlate | String | O | Parcel license plate |